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At What Point Should you Contact a Sexual Harassment Lawyer?


Sexual harassment is defined as unsolicited or unwelcome sexual advances and is considered a crime punishable by law, according to both the federal and state laws. Sexual harassment does not have to involve any physical touch for it to be defined as harassment; the mere intention to approach someone for sexual advances is a punishable offense. As such, it can come in different forms including verbal, physical, emotional and sometimes even visual expressions.


Also worth noting is the fact sexual harassment can take place pretty much anywhere, from the workplace to a shopping mall, at the gym, in school and even at home. Further, it does not discriminate based on age or gender; anyone found guilty of sexual harassment, be it a male or female, an employee or employer, an adult or a child, an individual or a group, will be held liable.


Examples of sexual harassment cases include such things as violent physical or sexual contact, unwanted solicitation for sex, stalking, inappropriate touching, sexual gestures, sexual pestering, derogatory jokes or comments, verbal sexual abuse, exposing sexually suggestive photos to someone else, obscene emails, images, letters and text messages, staring at someone obsessively, attaching sexual favors to such things as a job promotion, new job or salary increase, etc. Make sure to view here for more details!


The first step to take when you discover you are being harassed sexually at your place of work is to report to the Human Resources department. It is standard procedure because more often than not there are systems in place to investigate and resolve all harassment and discrimination claims within an organization.


When you are being harassed with no Human Resources department, say at the gym, you should address the issue with your direct chain of command. However, if your direct chain of command is the abuser, you can always file a case with a sexual harassment lawyer. Sometimes a supervisor or manager can be ineffective at putting an end to sexual harassment; it would also warrant the need to hire a licensed sexual harassment lawyer.


Your lawyers should advise you on the best way forward in the event of sexual harassment. For instance, you are supposed to keep a detailed account of all possible events that contribute to your claim of sexual harassment. This is one of the ways to build a solid case against an abuser. Your detailed account should include the date, time, place as well as descriptions of any undesirable come-ons, conversations, behavior, solicitations, etc. Ensure the descriptions are as detailed as possible.


By working with a reputable sexual harassment lawyer, you can be able to get compensation for harassment damages including mental torture, pain and suffering, post-traumatic stress, emotional trauma, restraining orders, therapy and sometimes even loss of a job. You can also click this website for more facts about lawyers, go to

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